Tuesday, September 27, 2011

To the Popmiester, Thanks for helping us fix our circa 1927 toilet! Can't believe anyone ever thought that using steel pipes was a good idea (...the pipes are filled with rust!). Thanks for your plumbing expertise and your willingness to work on a project! :) It now takes 2 minutes to fill the enormous tank instead of 30. I'm so thankful that you and Mama Ne' came for the weekend! And Long Dog is even more thankful that you brought along the White Dog. 
To my favorite M-I-L and B-I-L, Yay for figuring out facetime and chatting "face-to-face" with you, at least for a few minutes! It was great to be able to talk to you! We should definitely try and do that more often!
To Stray Kitty, You should really pretend to be more afraid of the dogs. I know you are great friends with Long Dog, but the White Dog spends all of her time licking her lips when she sees you and even tries to nibble your ears when you get close... I wonder what makes her think that kitty cats taste good?... :)
To my Dr. Hubby, My parents got a really good idea of exactly how much you work/ how little I see you while they were here this weekend. As much as they missed seeing more of you, I loved having them here on a weekend that you worked! T minus 3 days until the end of this rotation! Wahooooooooo!!

Picture: This is the steel tank lid on the toilet in our upstairs bath. It's hard to read with the rust build up, but the toilet was manufactured in the USA on June 3, 1927. That is one old toilet!

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