Thursday, April 21, 2011

 To my incredible Mr B., You left for the hospital this morning wearing your GT scrubs and drinking out of your GT coffee mug. Way to represent! Hoping your attending today is also a fan...
To my Small Group, Thank for blessing me with our incredible discussion last night. I think all of us (the engaged and the married) needed the reminders and Godly marital advice that was shared. Thank you all for being so open and honest! All of you beautiful ladies are such a source of encouragement for me...I praise the Lord for you!
To the 7-minute Frosting, You have been conquered! It may have taken two recipes, eight eggs, two scientists (thank you Swede), one almost surgeon, and a troubleshooting website, but we got a final product that was amazing! The result: perfectly fluffy icing that tastes like marshmellow great that I posted the recipe below.
To my Traveling Companion, When you woke up this morning, the first thing out of your mouth was "I'm excited about going on vacation with you." T minus 14 days before we begin our travels the world! Btw, two countries on two different continents qualifies as the world... ;)

RECIPE: Snickerdoodle Cupcakes with 7-Minute Frosting

The cupcake recipe can be found on Martha Stewart's website. I have a gas oven and would only suggest baking the cupcakes for 15-17 minutes instead and I would also add about 1/4 tsp of cardamom to the mix just because I love it! Otherwise, I followed the directions accordingly. 

My first attempt at the 7-minute frosting, I used the recipe that is given with the snickerdoodle Maybe it was due to a slight yoke contamination, but the frosting never became fluffy. Aaron was a good sport and dipped the cupcakes in the resulting product anyway. In an effort to try and make my cupcakes look just as good as those in the professional picture, I decided to troubleshoot and remake the icing to cover the remaining cupcakes. This is the recipe I used:

2 egg whites
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/3 cup water
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract

 Use eggs taken straight from the fridge, as they separate more easily. Bring a pot of water (roughly 1 quart in a 4-quart pot) to a boil and then reduce to simmer. Place all ingredients except vanilla in a glass bowl and set the bowl on the pot of simmering water, careful that the water is not touching the bottom of the bowl. Using an electric mixer, mix on medium for one minute and then increase to high and beat for an additional 5 minutes which will result in hot, shiny egg mixture with stiff peaks. You may need to beat for a few additional minutes to get the peaks you want. Remove bowl and beat the vanilla into the mixture. Once cooled (~30 mins), this is enough icing to cover at least a dozen cupcakes. Keep iced cupcakes at room temperature and eat within 24 hours. Enjoy!

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