Tuesday, April 12, 2011


To my hardworking Mr. B., You started back on Shock/Trauma ICU yesterday which means you are back to your long hours. You having spring break last week spoiled me...Long Dog and I are now missing your company all the more. Guess it is preparing us for when your intern year starts in July. Hoping you had such an incredible day that you come home with "scrub cap" hair!
To the vacation that lies ahead, You're almost here! The airline tickets are purchased (finally), the hotels are booked, the planning is nearly complete! T minus 23 days until a blissful month of traveling...Hip hip hooray for finally taking a honeymoon after more than 3 years of marriage!
To my crafty side, we nailed another Diaper Cake! Here's to a "vanilla" baby shower creation that looks good enough to eat (I made the last one with wide "chocolate" ribbon)!! This could become a real hobby in the making, especially with how fruitful the small group has become!
To my many job perspectives, I thank the Lord for the support and encouragement that I have received through you! What a surprise that I would be able to have so many different positions to choose from. Father, guide me and give me the discernment I need to select the job that you would have me do! And, in everything, I pray that I find my fulfillment in you!
To my bottomless pit of a hubby, how about brinner tonight? Nothing like thick slices of french toast oozing syrup and fruit salad piled high on top to end a wonderful day! Mmmm...

1 comment:

  1. Never heard it called brinner... I shall adopt this new vocab and use it in a sentence tomorrow.
