Thursday, August 16, 2012

To Shark Week, I know your intention is to promote education and not fear, but it was a little disturbing to find out that the Great White Sharks in the Atlantic Ocean "summer" off the coast of Georgia. Eek! It was even more disturbing to find out that they have begun traveling into the Gulf of Mexico to feed on giant squid. I have always been afraid of dark water (I know, it's a phobia really... I don't even like the 2 feet deep water on the It's a Small World ride), but this makes me afraid of even the shallow/mostly clear/unexciting waves off the coast of St. George Island. Not sure if I will even again go deep sea fishing...
To Little T, Bless you! Thank you sweet baby for almost 8 hours of sweet, uninterrupted sleep, especially after the last few nights of waking up 5+ times per night. Can we keep this up?? Your mama feels like a whole new person.
To Long Dog, Are hiccups contagious? I swear that you get them from Little T and vice versa. It makes me wonder when they will get all three of us at one time...
To the Rescue Doctor Bee, Only one more day of Trauma Surgery before nine glorious days off. You can do it!! I know that it has been full of long hours, horrific cases, distraught loved ones, and stories that I always first hear about on the news, but I can say "job well done". I'm proud of you! You earned a new pair of Gel Scrubs. They will be delivered tomorrow. :)


  1. Little T is absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet him in person- hopefully in January 2013. Hope you guys are well.

  2. Thanks Brooke! That's great that we will get to see you so soon! Can't wait for you to meet him. We miss you guys. I can't believe how big the kids have gotten...
