Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To Long Dog, Who knew you love the handsome dog in the mirror as much as Little T likes the beautiful baby in the mirror? I set up a mirror angled on the floor this morning so Little T could see the ceiling fan while doing tummy time (in hopes that he might enjoy it more if he sees his favorite friend!), but you completely blocked his view as you gazed at yourself. You're so funny! I love my boys! P.S. I noticed you left the black beans in your bowl when I put some leftovers on your dinner. :) It took me awhile to learn to like them too.
To Little T,  Happy 11 weeks (plus 2 days)!! The ceiling fan may be your first love, but your airplane mobile must be your second, not counting Mama of course! I love hearing your laugh and coo, even if it is at the mobile in the middle of the night. :)
To the Employee at the Grocery Store, You may have thought I was completely crazy to do self-checkout of a major shopping trip with a baby in a Baby Bjorn strapped to my front, but I'm particular about how I bag my groceries... It was above and beyond your call of duty to unload my groceries, scan them, hand them to me so I could pack them in my reusable bags, and then load them all back in my cart. I commend you for your kindness, I was touched by your thoughtfulness, and I just wanted to let you know that you made my day.
To my Dr. Bee, You got home at 4:30pm today! Why?! Because it was your "turn". Ha! I loved having you home early, but I feel as though they must have given every one else at the hospital a turn first before allowing you yours. ;) Here's to more "turns" in the near future! It's amazing what you can get done when you get home so took out the trash, took a nap, played with Little T, got a hair cut, and managed a grocery store run for the two items on my list that I forgot to get. I'm impressed!!

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