Thursday, July 12, 2012

To Motherhood, Sometimes I'm surprised that I only get a shower in every other day, that sometimes I haven't gotten my morning teeth-brushing in until the afternoon, and that sometimes I'm still in my pjs when Handsome Hubby comes home from work (at 7pm!)...and that's all with a mostly happy baby! Even more, I'm surprised by how often I have made it to the grocery store (even if I drop my container of blueberries in the parking lot because I was too worried that Little T was getting upset), how often I have made dinner (far more often than when I was pregnant, even if dinner is slightly overdone because it's just harder to cook with one hand), and how often I have not forgotten to feed Long Dog. I love being a mama...I wouldn't change it for the world...but it is amazing what has now become an accomplishment and what used to be simple tasks have now become daily challenges. Lord, may I always take delight in the little things, holding my Little T even when I have a million other things to do, or singing yet another verse of a children's song. Teach me to make the important things a priority and leave those that aren't for another day. And, Father, I ask that you would bless the sleep that the two of us get, that it would be restful and full of peace, that I may be able to accomplish today all that you would have me do.
To Little T, We went to the grocery store this week and it seemed like you thought it was a whole new world with all the new sights, colors, sounds, and people! It makes a big difference when you are awake. :) It's not as exciting though as when I sing Old McDonald Had a Farm to you... I've never seen so many smiles and I think it is so funny that you like animal noises. P.S. It's crazy how often I call you by Long Dog's name and vice versa. :) I'm sorry...
To the Treadmill, You have sat for nearly two years dusty and in a corner as I have explored other workout options. But, I have brought you back to life! Here's to getting back in shape while the summer heat keeps me from leaving the house.
To the Devoted Dad, I love it that you come home from working such a long day and are such a loving Papa to Little T. He loves it when you sing to him and you are a much better bath-giver than I am. Thank you for all you do for us! You are a wonderful Papa and that makes me love you that much more!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and beautiful prayer, Anna! God will hear and answer it in abundant ways! And don't worry about calling him and the dog each other's names; it's part of your Motherhood Membership dues! And, great pictures!
