Monday, June 11, 2012

Despite being 3 weeks behind, we are proud to announce that Thomas Aaron arrived on his due date (with some help of medical intervention), May 21st at 9:00pm exactly, weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and measuring 21.5 inches long. It was a long delivery but Handsome Hubby did an incredible job as coach which really helped this Mama!

To my Baby Love, Happy 3 week birthday! You seem to get bigger everyday and I have loved every moment (many of them tired moments) of being your Mama!  You are an incredibly handsome addition to our little family of, now, four and it has been amazing to see your little personality already: you recognize your Papa's voice and mine; you love music, especially the Celtic women (thanks to your Nana) and the organ at church; nothing quite calms you down like being swaddled and having me sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "Jesus Loves Me"; its possible that Long Dog likes your Red Dog wubbanub more than you do; you sigh after you sneeze and it melts all of our hearts; you don't seem to mind bath time and love getting wrapped in the towel when your clean; you grunt all the time; and you've been able to lift your head up since the day you were born and you're getting stronger everyday! Know that you are already so loved by a whole community of family and friends...some of whom are still waiting to meet you!
To Long Dog, You have done an incredible job adjusting to life with a baby in the house and I've been so impressed with how seriously you have stepped into the role of protective big brother! I'm hoping that you continue to love Little T...even once he gets big enough to try and ride you. :)
To Granny D, Banker Boy, Weathergirl and Hurricane Hunk, Mama Ne', and Popmiester (and all the others...), Can't wait to see you this weekend! I think you will be surprised to see how much our little man has grown since the last time you saw him... we find out how much weight he has gained at the dr's tomorrow!
To the Handsome Hubby, Every time I see you holding our son, I love you all that much more. Just saying... And thank you for taking so much time off (and thank you Surgery Dept for allowing him to take so much time off) after Little T was born. You have been more help than you will ever know...especially since I changed all of about 2 diapers the entire first week of his life. :)
Proud Papa

Meeting Mama Ne' and Popmiester (aka Nana and Grandpop)

Meeting Granny D

Meeting Weathergirl

Hurricane Hunk and Weathergirl

Headed Home!

Banker Boy...a proud Uncle!

Little T and Uncle Drew


  1. Oh my word! He is just too cute! :)

  2. So glad to see that Thomas finally made it to the blog!!! He is growing like a weed. One of these days, Oldnurse and I will come for a visit. We miss you at work, but are so glad that you have this wonderful reason not to be there.

  3. Oh my goodness, those pictures are melting my heart!!! I have GOT to figure out a way to get out there again and get my hands on him. <3
