Wednesday, March 21, 2012

To my Dr. Bee, From my desk, I have the perfect view of the landing pad on the roof of the hospital. Since you are on trauma surgery this month, I know that those patients who arrive by helicopter are likely going to be seen by you (or at least your service). I love it, that in that moment when I see the helicopter fly by my window, I know that you are preparing for that patient. What a special reminder for me to pray for you as you go about your day! Can you believe it?...only 3.5 months remain of your intern year! Wahoo!
To Baby Boy, Just in case you're not keeping track...t minus 61 days until D day! :)
To the Yellow "Snow", You have made your annual appearance! It is nice to have you back (if only as a sign of the nice weather and beautiful flowers to come!). Even Long Dog sneezes when he goes outside. Wishing we got "snow" days from this kind of ground cover... Thank you, Lord, for the occasional afternoon rain shower that has given us some relief!
To the Kings and Queens of Inappropriate Comments, Pregnant women are still people. I am surprised by the bluntness of some of you expressing an interest in how my body has changed shape over the last several months. Although not offended myself, I would like to speak for other mothers-to-be and say we would prefer not to hear the following listed below, all of which I have actually heard. :) If you have the urge to say anything at all, tell her how beautiful and glowing she is. Even if it is alluding her that day...  It is not appropriate to say:
            "You are really bulging now!"
            "You look like you might drop that next week!"
            "Really, you have 8 weeks left?! But you are so big!"
            "Oh, it's you! I'm not used to seeing you fat..."
            "Your face is really filling out..."
Note: This is not a comprehensive list. And, in fact, I heard two of these today alone.
To my Handsome Hubby, The other day you changed the oil in my car while wearing latex gloves. Do even non-doctors do this? Regardless, thank you for this selfish act during your oh-so-infrequent free time. I am incredibly grateful! And thank you for taking off my toenail polish. I've never actually had to explain how to take nail polish off before...Thank you for such a rare opportunity! I love you with all my heart!


  1. My favorite is:
    "Are you sure there aren't two babies in there?"

    Miss you guys!
    - Kara W.

  2. Oh Anna, that list cracked me up because I can so relate! I was asked numerous times if I was carrying twins when I was pregnant with Hannah and by women no less!! In the end, all those comments are so worth it though! :)

  3. Anna Banana, just chalk up the comments to the fact that you work with stupid idiots who have no couth. I saw you walking through the parking deck this afternoon and I thought you looked marvelous!

  4. Oooo, this always irritates me! I had some co-workers last year who saw nothing wrong with saying "You're gaining weight too fast, you need to eat less", "Hey fatso", "How's the pudgers?", etc. Oh, and someone on Facebook when I was pregnant with Elizabeth said "Wow! Are you sure you're not the OctoMom?". Some People seem to think that common courtesy, decency, and good manners are non-applicable when talking to/about a pregnant woman. Hmmph.

  5. I keep latex gloves in my car for any car repairs needed. They work wonderfully!
