Thursday, June 28, 2012

To my Baby Love, What an adventure it has been to be home with you! I'm loving getting to know the little person that you are... you sneezed the other day, and milk came out your nose; you are the happiest first thing in the morning; you love the outdoors; you are quite a bit more vocal and I love hearing your little voice; you move your arms in a steady rhythm when you are getting frustrated (your Papa calls it "kneading the dough"); you fall asleep every time we put you in the car; and you smile at me a lot more often now (or is it gas??). I love watching you grow!
To Ann Curry, I cried this morning when you announced that you were leaving the Today Show. When I was a kid, we took a trip to New York City and ran into you just outside of the ice skating rink at Rockefeller Plaza. Despite being in such a hurry, you spoke with us for a little while. It was definitely a highlight of that trip! Ann, you will be fondly remembered as a part of my mornings for a very long time. Best wishes on the next phase of your career! You will be well missed!
To the "Mom's Group" plus those off for the summer... you know who you are :), I have absolutely loved staying at home with Little T and have begun to realize that the Lord has prepared me for motherhood for years. Thank you to you all for all your encouragement as I have started this new career at home. I have loved spending so much time with you all! And my Popmiester thinks its funny that I have such a busy social calendar now that I stay at home! I'm not really home much! :)
To my Walking Shoes, In the last two days, you have traveled roughly 6 miles! Only 94 more to go before August 26th to beat Weathergirl in the 100 mile challenge. And what a challenge it will be in this ridiculous summer heat!! Here's to getting back into pre-baby shape...
To my Sweetheart,  The other day we tried out the new frozen yogurt place near us on a "family date". Of course Little T didn't eat any, but it was so much fun to get out together as a family. I can't wait for all the exciting -and even "normal"- things we will do together as a family in the future. Thanks for being my partner in all of this!


  1. Life as a mom would be SO DIFFERENT (and less doable) if it weren't because of my mama friends who are always encouraging me <3

  2. Hey Anna, love your posts, so fun! He is ADORABLE! We miss you guys and Augusta, not so much the heat:-) I do have to say, speaking of walking a lot, that is all I could do for months after Will and we did it daily, going out after early morning feeding to "beat" the heat at times and it was great! He still loves the stroller to this day! If yall are at church Sunday, may see you!
