Friday, June 22, 2012

To my Baby Love, Yesterday you turned 1 month old! Where has the time gone??!  And what a wonderful month it has been. This week has been one of several milestones already: you started sleeping in your own room (very important for this Mama since you are a noisy sleeper); you have started losing your hair (and your Papa says you share the same receding hair line); you slept last night for 5 hours in a row (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!); according to the scale at home, you weigh about 10.5 lbs; and yesterday, you smiled back at me when I smiled at you (3 words- Melt. My. Heart.). Never in my life did I think it would be this wonderful to be your Mama.
To the Young Married Group Women, Thank you for an incredible time of fellowship last night! What a sweet reminder that we should be taking time each day to be spending with the Lord and in His word, even with the craziness of life with baby! Thank you for your honesty in sharing about your spiritual walk and the struggles you have experienced as a parent. I am so blessed to be apart of such a wonderful community of women! And thank you Handsome Hubby for having some special one-on-one time with Little T so that I could go! Sorry he didn't enjoy it as much as he did... P.S. Check out my Food Friday blog entry (coming soon) for the recipe of the appetizer that I took last night.
To Bessie (the Silver Jeep!), You certainly had an adventure this week! After braking down at a traffic light on Tuesday night, you got a free ride on a tow truck (hopefully a once in a lifetime experience...), and spent two whole nights away from home! :) We are so thankful that you are feeling better and have made a full recovery. Praise the Lord that your "hospital" bills weren't any more than they were!
To Handsome Hubby, Last night you got your new rotation schedule for the next year. I can't believe you're down to your last week of your intern year! Yay for being a PGY-2!! One year down, five more to go... I'm so proud of the doctor you're becoming! 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, Anna! Your post just reminds me of how badly I wanted to make it to the girl's fellowship night. BOOOO for hubbies who don't come home till 7:45 pm after a long day of work.
