Wednesday, June 22, 2011

To my Mr. B., We made it home. Totals = 25+ hours of flight time, 9+ hours of train riding, 6 different airports, 4 vacations, 4 new passport stamps, 3 countries (not including the US), 1+ incredible month of traveling, and an uncountable number of memories made (and countless cups of coffee too!). I can't think of a better way to have spent the last bit of free time you have before residency begins. I love you. Thank you. 
To the Swede and Pig, Thanks for being such incredible hosts while we visited you this last week. We loved every minute of it! Your wedding was beautiful, Stockholm was exciting, and I don't think I have ever ridden on so many different modes of transportation in that short of an amount of time (plane, train, car, subway, more trains, boat, and airport bus... only missed traveling by helicopter!). Congratulations newlyweds and may you have a wonderful time in Scotland!
To the neighbor's fallen tree, You have filled our backyard with mangled limbs, debris, a new large sunny spot in canopy of trees (see below), and a completely crushed carport. The severe storm from earlier this week really did you in, and you certainly surprised us when we arrived home. 2 years and 2 trees... let's hope this is the last of them.
R.I.P. Carport, You did well protecting our cars from branches, falling leaves, and the acorns the squirrels throw at us. I'm sorry you were sacrificed for the well being of the rest of the yard (and the Jeep!). It was purely divine intervention that Handsome Hubby didn't park the Jeep under your shade while we are on vacation. Rest in peace.
To my travel companion, Over the last two months, we have watched more movies on airplanes than I can even count due to our overseas traveling. What I loved the most? When we were privileged to have our own movie screen in the headrest in front of us, we picked what movie to watch and started them at exactly. the. same. time... :) Thanks for watching "with" me.

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