Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

To the Nursery Rocking Chair, While rocking Little T to sleep, I somehow get myself turned 180 degrees... and I always end up in the middle of the room. I wonder, if I rock long enough, could I end up turned 360 degrees and in the opposite corner of the room?
To Granny D, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wishing you a wonderful, beautiful, amazing day. Wish we were there to celebrate with you! We love you, Son, D-I-L, Long Dog, and Little T!
To Long Dog, The other evening, I went to check on Little T after I heard him moving around in his crib. Lo and behold! You beat me to it! I found the nursery door open, and you sitting quickly next to his crib, listening. Thank you for being a good watchdog. I'll always know if something is up, since you supervise everything from bath time to pajama time and rush to his side at every little cough, sneeze, squeak, squeal, and bowel movement. Yes, I said bowel movement. Apparently Long Dog assumes something is very wrong when those sounds are made. :)
To the Neighbors Down the Street, I must admit that I was quite embarrassed as you walked by my house the other day. I'm sure you thought I was crazy when you saw me standing on my porch, leashed dog beside me, after dark, throwing sticks at the house just above my front door. I'll have you know that my husband (i.e. bug killer) wasn't home yet and there was a giant (I'm not kidding...) Palmetto bug just waiting to leap at me when I made my way inside. There is a method to my madness.
To the Yellow Jackets, Happy first game of the season! Go Georgia Tech! P.S. How did I become friends with so many Georgia fans??
To Handsome Hubby, It's Labor Day! Here's to landing a rotation at the VA hospital on a federal holiday. Surely they will send you home early! Sending happy home-early wishes your way! :)

1 comment:

  1. Mom has a rocking chair that walks too. It's always funny when someone who's never sat in it before realizes that they're halfway across the room and not sure how they got there.

    Happy Labor Day to all four of you, and I hope my favorite doctor got to come home early!!!
