Thursday, October 27, 2011

To my Pumpkin Picker, On Sunday, you and I went hunting for the perfect pumpkin. Had you gone by yourself and brought home any pumpkin, I would have probably thought it was perfect, but since you took me with you, we were on a quest to find the epitome of a perfect pumpkin. Sorry it took so long, and thank you for putting up with my picky choices! :) Although, to be fair...we did end up with the best two pumpkins ever! (We paid $1 for the pumpkin in the picture, but I couldn't resist its cuteness!). I'm looking forward to carving at least the big one with you this weekend!
To my Small Group, I'm so thankful for the discussion that we had last night and I'm so grateful for the role that each of you has in my life! You are such a wonderful source of encouragement and support and I always am so refreshed! The Lord has truly blessed me with each one of you!
To my Social Mr. B., We are invited to a Halloween/Birthday/Costume Party on Friday, as in tomorrow... All of a sudden I'm so nervous about dressing up and I can't think of a single costume option! How about you just go and say I came dressed as the Invisible Woman?! P.S. Only a few more days of G.I. and then its off to General Urology! You'll be 1/3 of the way through your intern year! :)

Seriously though, any one have any great costume ideas?? For me or for me and HH as a couple? Think modest and respectful...

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