Thursday, July 7, 2011

To my hard-working Dr. B., Residency has officially begun. Early morning hours, long busy days, almost never time for breakfast or lunch (and very late dinners), and a completely new electronic ordering/records system...and somehow you are still staying positive. That's my trooper! I'm so proud of you.
To my new job, So far it has been an easy transition and although I'm only about to finish the first week, I think it's going pretty smoothly. Best thing so far?: I have Mondays off.... Wahoo!! On another note: Lord, may I become desensitized to grossness of brain tumors quickly!
To Weathergirl, My bobble-head Buzz has found a home atop the window sill of my new work "home" (next to the family picture calendar), sans computer, but hopefully I'll manage. Next time you come, I'll have to give you a tour of my new lab and the new view.
To my Loyal Readers, My apologies that I have not kept up with the blog over the last couple of days...Handsome Hubby and I both started new jobs and we are still go through the transitions of new schedules, etc. I hope to return to my normalish blogging schedule very soon! :) P.S. We made it to 50 posts!
To my thoughtful hubbster, As a new resident, you were gifted with an iPad2. "What will you do with two iPads?" I asked. To which you responded, "I have one iPad(2) and you have one iPad." Two words: SO. EXCITED. Who knew you would spend all your birthday money on the newest gadget a year ago, only to give it away to me?! I love you.