Sunday, July 10, 2011

To my Dr. B., One week down! We won't mention how many more to go. I know it is hard, I know it is exhausting, I know some people are unkind, but I also know that God has prepared you for this! Lord, give him the strength he needs to get through everyday. Give him the courage he needs to be an advocate for his patients. Give him the energy he needs to accomplish what you would have him accomplish. And Father, remind him that this is your purpose and plan for him. May he have the favor of the attendings and the other residents, and may you heal those patients under his care!
To Long Dog, The other day I took advantage of Petsmarts' sale and spoiled you with a new squeaky toy and the Kong wobbler. Honestly, I wasn't sure if you would be brave enough to play with this new toy, which requires you to push it around as it wobbles to get the treats out. As I expected, I spent the day "showing you" how to do it, and you mainly barked and whined at it. Then Handsome Hubby came home and you were suddenly an expert...boy, you had me fooled! Not only are you plenty smart enough (and brave enough!) to play with this new toy, you are smart enough to convince this Mama that I need to do it for you...
To my Snapple Tea lids, Thank you for your needless fun-facts that are on the underside of all of your bottle caps. You help me fill my head with even more unless (albeit, interesting) tidbits of information. Today, I learned that left handed people are more likely to chew their food the the left side of their mouth (right handers chew on their right side). I wonder what side I chew on? Knowing me, I probably make sure I chew equally on both sides, subconsciously of course...
To Handsome Hubby, Yesterday evening we went on a walk with Cooper to spend some time as a family and to walk off some of the stress of your new medical career. Instead of just doing our usual walk around the block, we decided to go the "long way." Just as we were rounding the corner, your sandal broke, which left your left foot shoeless. Yet, you continued the shoe on, one shoe off. Way to commit. And thank you for always supplying comic relief.

1 comment:

  1. I still so enjoy reading your blog! Praying for you and this transition time in both your's and Aaron's life. And can't thank you enough for your help with Chris' visit home
    love you!
