Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Never Under Estimate the Strength of a nearly 7-month old...

To the Naive Mama (aka, me), Upon entering in on a conversation about Christmas tree safety with some other moms, I can remember saying, "I don't think I really need to worry about [Little T] this year. I think it will be more of an issue next year when he's 18 months old." Oh, how very wrong you were! I now wish I could go back, undo those words, and take my own advice to fasten the tree to the wall with fishing wire or a bungee cord to keep the tree from falling over.
To Little T, In a matter of only a few days, you went from barely knowing how to move the walker to racing around in it...even on the carpet. You had been playing right next to me yesterday, when I heard a crash across the room and saw the Christmas tree laying completely on top of the walker (with Little T legs sticking out the bottom, but no other signs of him...). My heart nearly leapt out of my chest! Thank you, Lord, for protecting my little boy! Thank you that my sturdy little guy didn't have a bump or bruise (or tears) to show for the incident. Poor kid was thankfully only covered in Frasier Fir needles. Unfortunately, this has not made him any less interested in the tree... If Little T not being seriously injured wasn't miracle enough, not a single ornament broke.
To those of you who asked if I got a picture, Um, no... I was too concerned with collecting my buried child from the Christmas tree wreckage. If I could go back, would I take a picture? Probably not...but, my, would that have been a picture to cherish over Little T's lifetime!


  1. OT: It may be true that Manny Pacquiao will now focus on politics. He has come a long way. But lets go back when PacMan is still at his best self, being a fighter. Watch the Peoples Champ as he does his abs workout. Watch the Manny Pacquiao complete AB workout at his official MP Youtube Channel now!

  2. The post is so cute! love the way you have written about your family and absolutely adore the image! like the baby looks so happy
