Thursday, April 25, 2013

Through the Storm, He is Lord of All

During pregnancy, one can expect routine ultrasounds and doctor appointments.

Tuesday's appointment certainly started off routine. But then the sonographer invited the doctor in to give me the news. I sat there on the table of the dark room with a tired Little T as the doctor described to me that little Baby Boy has numerous bilateral choroid plexus cysts in his brain and dilated kidneys. The problem really isn't that they are there, but more so that them being there can indicate a genetic abnormality. Something could be very wrong with the baby. The doctor said simply that he wanted me to speak with a genetic counselor before I left the hospital that day. An incredible load of information had been dumped on me to process about the precious boy growing inside, all while being mama to a perfect little boy who had not yet napped that day. My two-appointment routine day had turned into a three-appointment day definitely-not-routine day. My mind couldn't help but wonder...what if there really is something wrong with Baby? I never thought about being a parent of a special needs child. What if he didn't even survive the pregnancy? What if I never got a chance to meet my little boy before he returns to his Savior? What if I didn't bring this baby home from the hospital? What if Little T and Baby Boy never had the opportunity to play together?

I did go today to have blood drawn for further genetic screenings and they will continue to closely monitor Baby's growth and the progress of the cysts over the next months until delivery.

To say I was nervous going into my appointment today would be an understatement. Driving in, I turned on the radio to focus on anything else. At that moment, the song "Cornerstone" by Hillsong started playing. I was moved to tears.  

Thank you, Lord, for this sweet reminder that you are in control. The weak are made strong in Your love. That You will alone give us the strength we need to get through this pregnancy regardless of the outcome. That You can give this little one the strength he needs. You alone will give us all we need to parent this beautiful child that You have loved and planned for even before conception. Through this storm, when in moments it does feel incredibly dark, You are there and You are Lord of all.

The Lord knew I needed to hear this today!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

To the Birthday Boy (well, Man), Happy Birthday!!! I'm sorry I couldn't manage to get you a day off work for you as your gift this year. At least this year I will try not to end up in the hospital on your special day. We are excited to celebrate the wonderful man that you are, the incredible surgeon you are becoming, and the amazing Papa and the incredible husband that you are. We hope you enjoy your day! P.S., Thank you for my beautiful roses! You really surprised me that you would bring me flowers the night before your birthday just as a thank you and that you appreciate me. Words cannot truly express how thankful I am for you!
To Little T, You have your Papa wrapped around your little finger! We had a family outing to the grocery store the other day (to replenish our very very empty fridge from Masters week) and when Papa saw how much you loved the golf ball helium balloon, he convinced me that we needed to buy it for you. :) I am glad to see it has become your favorite toy! Although chasing bubbles outside became a close second today... 

Proof of the "Up!" old man face. :) Oooooh, I can't help but laugh every time I see this.

Monday, April 15, 2013

To Little T, You've grown up significantly since the last time I blogged (about when he figured out how to walk and I've been on the go ever since)! Can't believe that you are more of a little boy than a baby and I am nearly the mother of a one year old! The fact that you have had your first haircut and are going to a big brother really makes you seem like a big kid. Thanks for being such a trooper! You had quite the crowd watching at the salon. :)
To our Masters Renters, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Despite coming with a great recommendation, I must admit I was a little nervous to come home today and see what condition my house was in. My heart was so full when I saw that you treated my house with a pride like it was your even washed, folded, and put away almost all of the linens! You are welcome back any year you have badges.
To Adam Scott, Congrats to you on the big Masters win! Way to go Australia! I watched a ton of golf coverage this weekend, but nothing could beat watching it in person. Can't help but be a little disappointed to not set foot on the property of the Augusta National this year, but I am incredibly grateful for the fun filled week we had with family.
To our wonderful families, Thank you for hosting me, Little T, and Long Dog (and Handsome Hubby for part of the time) this week... we had a blast! It was a little crazy trying to childproof all the places we stayed, but thank you for being flexible and making time for us! And thank you Papa Peter for not holding us to the you-can-stay-here-for-half-your-Masters-income deal we jokingly made. :)

Before the nap time hair :)

Visiting Granny D at work

On his new big boy tricycle from Grandmother...thank you! Little T loves it! He may not be able to pedal yet, but he almost has the "Flinestones" method down. P.S. This face reminds me of the old man from Up! 

Coolest kid on the block!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Little T at the playground with my cousin (the other Little T)

To Weathergirl, Happy Birthday (a little belated...)! I was so blessed and so thankful that we were able to spend our special day together this year...a real treat! Thanks for helping to make my day absolutely wonderful. To Mama Ne', Congratulations on being a mama for 28 years! And what a wonderful mama you are!
Dearest Celeste, I did not know you well, but I watched your celebration of life last night and was so incredible moved. Father, when you call me home, may I leave that kind of legacy for you! May my life bring such honor and glory to you that it could be celebrated in that kind of way.
To Little T, You're in a hurry to grow up! Now almost 8 months old, you are cruising around on the furniture, walk around while holding only one of my fingers, and absolutely boycott crawling. Try not to grow up too fast... I'm grateful that you and Long Dog have become playmates!
To Handsome Hubby, Last weekend you used your one afternoon off to paint Little T's nursery. I am so thankful for all that you do around the house! His room looks great. What's next to be done on the honey do list?!